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Beelzebub About It (be about it at beast crawl)

beelzebub about it, by be about it, for beast crawl

be about it does the dopest curation, I don't even know why I have to try to sell it to you. Come thru. We're going to get lit-wrecked.

Alexandra Naughton started be about it in 2010 and she never knew what she was doing but she loves poetry and performance and you should just trust her.

Featuring performances by: A. Razor, Ham Coquette, Mike Bushnell, Rhea 'Alex' Smith

A. Razor is a lost soul with no fish bowl, a vagabond with inappropriate shoes, the place in the shadow where darkness just might find some light before dawn, a tattoo that represents death vs a tattoo that represents the missing life, plenty of blood & guts, plenty of inside out, turning into ourselves...turning...

Ham Coquette is very beautiful and very wise and very graceful and there is nothing you can say or do to take any of that away.

Mike Bushnell is out there. Working on something. Books = OHSO, 2014 Scrambler Books + Traumahawk, 2010, 6Gallery Press. He lives in Everett, Washington. Also, business! Yes! Business dollars and career paths, out there in Washington. While writing this bio he yelled out to himself: "What up?" Then he responded, "tell me about yourself." Then he said: "Yeah, this is direct from the source. I am out here. I am working on a bio right now. The superman outfit in this photo was one I wore for 11 months straight as a young spectral child." @iamaparty.

Rhea 'Alex' Smith, 24, cares more about infectious disease and exactly how it will slowly and efficiently kill you than whatever trick you've got up your sleeve. She may also eventually have her fingers in your mouth. Assuming some dental school will take her, anyway. Went to UC Davis for English and left with a degree in Biology (medical microbiology). When not writing, likely doing one of a variety of other things she does but cannot master. Here's to you, year-old pointe shoes. She published Tough and Tender on behalf of The Crybaby Club, much of her own work interspersed. And true to the club, she does cry. A lot. Look out for her next collaborative book, 'This May Hurt A Little' by the Intrinsically Difficult Collective.