Vernon Keeve III (Association of Black and Brown Writers) and Alexandra Naughton (Be About It press/zine/reading series) are joining forces to just have a really fun time this summer.
Personally, I think poetry should be fun and I think readings should be more like parties and I'm tired of going to stuffy events. I asked Vernon if he wanted to collab on a poetry party with me and he was totally down. It's summertime and it's fun to do things outdoors and honestly, don't you just want to kick back and relax in a beautiful park in the city that you love and hear some poetry while eating a corn dog? I mean.
We will have:
Come thru. List of readers to be announced. Say you'll be there.
Reading: Victor Smith, Mk Chavez, Vanessa Rochelle Lewis, Cassandra Dallett, Anna Avery, Mallory Smart, Paul Corman-Roberts
Anna Avery escaped Texas to participate in east bay poetry. Anna Avery's work has been featured by the de Young, 580 Split, Bombay Gin, and Elderly Magazine's "Not My Country". Anna Avery is a queer poet who lives in Berkeley, CA.
Cassandra Dallett lives in Oakland, CA. Cassandra is a two-time Pushcart nominee and Literary Death Match winner. She has been published online and in many print magazines, such as Slip Stream, Sparkle and Blink, Chiron Review, Stone Boat Review, and Great Weather for Media. Cassandra reads often around the San Francisco Bay Area, she hosts the monthly writing workshop OnTwoSix, and the quarterly reading series Moon Drop Productions. Her first full-length book of poetry Wet Reckless (Manic D Press) was released in 2014. In 2015, she authored five chapbooks one of them, On Sunday, A Finch (Nomadic Press) was nominated for a California Book Award, look for a new full-length collection Collapse from Nomadic Press in the fall of 2107.
Mallory Smart is a writer from Chicago, Illinois. Her work has appeared in Thought Catalog, Metatron, and Cosmonauts Avenue. Her new book, “i want to feel happy but i only feel___.” is available from ExpatPress now. Follow her @malsmart
Victor James Smith is a writer and artist living now in Oakland, CA, following a six-year long journey to discover an "authentic" way of "living" that took him from coastal Maine to frontier counties in Washington state and Nevada. He spent most of that journey in Nevada, where he worked in manufacturing and mining to put food on the table. He's always felt more comfortable when surrounded by nature, but he believes there's a special comfort experienced only in the desert, and this elemental experience usually finds its way into his work. You can find out more about Victor
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Earlier Event: June 26
Bay Area Generations #46
Later Event: September 2
Beelzebub About It (be about it at beast crawl)