Change your life, with POETRY!
Hey, my name is Alexandra Naughton and I want to talk to you about changing your life.
I know. Who am I? I’m nobody. I’m wearing a Bernie 2020 sweatshirt. I’ve got cat hair on me.
You know, I look like crap. I put a little bit of CC cream on, put on a little lipgloss, got a little spruced up.
I got my bangs trimmed recently. I’m not looking too shabby.
But you know what. Looks can be deceiving. It’s not about looks, it’s about how you feel inside.
And that’s what I want to talk to you about today. I want to talk to you about: being about it.
Now, “what’s being about it,” you might ask.
Well, I’ve got just the thing for you.
You ever hear a thing called poetry?
We got poetry in here that will change your life.
Now you may not think that you can change your life just by reading a poem, but I’m here to tell you that you can!
You can! All you got to do is be about it. Be about it, and believe in yourself.
Now, a poem, a poem is kind of like a bunch of words.
You know, but you read it, you think about it, and it uplifts you, it changes you, it does something to you on the inside.
And you know what? It’s what on the inside that matters.
Now you might not think that anything on the inside matters that much, but I’m here to tell you that it does!
And, I gotta tell you: I don’t even have to sell these things. They sell themselves.
It might just look like a bunch of paper, stapled together.
You know, we got some handwritten crap on the front, but, what’s inside? That’s what counts!
It’s not about what it looks like, it’s about how it makes you feel, what it does to you, how it transforms you, where it takes you.
You don’t even have to leave the room!
Believe me, I barely leave this room at all. But I’m changed. I’m very changed.
And I want to share this with you, because I believe in it.
And I want to teach you how you can be about it, believe in yourself, and work your way up that pyramid. Just like me.
I might look like crap. But you know what? I’m being about it.
I’m believing in myself, and all you gotta do is slide into my DMs and I can teach you how you can be about it too.
And for the low low cost of three dollars, three dollars USD, I’ll send one of these to you, right to your door.
Express delivery. Well, USPS anyway, and you know how they’re working these days.
But! Again, it’s not about the time, it’s not about the place, it’s about what it does to you when you read it.
And it’s just poetry, it’s just prose, but that doesn’t really matter. It’s about what is inside of it.
The contents. That is what matters. And it will matter to you.
Trust me. It will matter to you, it’s what matters to me. And it’s gonna matter to you.
All you gotta do is be about it, and all you gotta do it slide into my DMs.
Just send me a private message right now. Inbox me. And you can be about it too.
You might think, hey, why do I wanna be about it? I’m already about it.
But you know what, you’re not. You’re not until you believe in yourself and you read some poetry.
Poetry? You know, whatever. It’s some words, anyone can write a poem.
But if you don’t believe in yourself, if you don’t be about it, then no one’s gonna care.
You shouldn’t care. You should care because I believe in you. And I’m about it.
And all I do is be about it every day.
So be about it yourself. Join me, join my team, climb that pyramid.
We can be about it together.
Inbox me.