Funding for Ctrl Alt Del
In 2015 I made a movie with Pirooz Kalayeh called Ctrl Alt Del. The story actually starts in 2014 when Kalayeh approached me about writing a story for him to make a movie into. I agreed and sent him something over which he developed into the script for Ctrl Alt Del. Several months later, around Christmas 2014, I took a week off work and flew down to Los Angeles to work on one of the most exciting projects I've ever been involved in. I wrote about the filming process in two posts on Enclave here and here, please give them a read.
Not only did I help write the film and star in it, I was also involved in the editing process and got to see the footage we shot become a real film. I love film and I love making movies and I really want to share this movie with people and keep on making movies.
Right now we are trying to raise funds in order to screen Ctrl Alt Del in New York City, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. We only have a few more weeks on our IndieGoGo and we need to make them count. If you want to help support independent filmmaking we definitely need your help! We are trying to bring community together to share the experience of this film in theaters in these three cities.